Site-Specific Works at Newtown Creek

Artists created site-responsive works for the waterfront.

The Newtown Creek Nature Walk is a small place in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, that brings art and nature together. It’s an odd nature walk surrounding the sanitation facility. George Trakas conceptualized this site-specific environmental work, challenging the boundaries between industrial utility and natural life.

Here for us as artists, beauty is not the goal; rather, presentness.

Zakariya Abdul-Qadir / Finch Bolton / Isabelle Friedrich McTwigan / Andrea Matthews / Elizabeth Hackenberg / William Kim / Ethan Li / Aidan McLellan / Molly Miller / Erin O'Flynn / Cléo Sương Mai Richez / Prithvi Singh / Eric

All photos below of the site-specific event by Aidan McLellan.

Organized by Isabelle and Molly

Artists speaking about their work

Installation shot of Erin O’Flynn and Aidan McLellan’s work

Newtown Creek Summer Show

Newtown Creek Summer Show


Newtown Creek Summer Show Newtown Creek Summer Show |

Erin O’Flynn

William Kim

Cléo Sương Mai Richez

Prithvi Singh

Molly Miller

Isabelle Friedrich McTwigan

Elizabeth Hackenberg

William Kim

Finch Bolton

Finch Bolton

Andrea Matthews

Zakariya Abdul-Qadir

Cléo Sương Mai Richez

Erin O’Flynn


Ethan Li

Aidan McLellan

Newtown Creek Summer Show


Newtown Creek Summer Show |